Sunday, May 15, 2011

Little slice of heaven!

A buddy of mine put me on a little known location that he's been fishing for the last couple of years... I finally had a chance to check it out and BOY was I surprised...  I got there at 8am and left at 2:30pm , and had steady action from the time I put my first rig out there...  The total was 13 Croakers (2 where 15inches), 1 Catfish, 1 WP, 1 Ray and 2 toad fish...  This place is differently getting a starting position in my rotation...

The bait of the day was PEELER CRAB that and distance made the difference.. 5 guys fishing with around me and out of the 5 one guy caught a croaker.. 

Poor Bastard...

This Guy was on the beach when I got there, and from the look of things the birds (or crabs) got his eyes...

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