Sunday, February 27, 2011

Time for a Quickie..... Left teased and wanting more..

Today I had only 4 or so hours to get out and fish so I decided to get the laundry done early and get out on the water.  Since time was an issue I decided to stay close to home and hit up a park about 15 minutes from my house.  I got there around 10am, and was the only one in the parking area, so I quickly got my cart out the truck and headed for the .5 mile hike to the location.


The spot in the picture above is about two hundred yards from the beach, and has a NICE drop off about 75-100 yards out.

Left Side View!

Right Side View!

I set up at the point and fished for about 4 hours.  Nothing much, but one quick moment when I thought I might have a fish on...

Long story short the fish weren't bitting (water seems to cold.) , but it feels any time now the lights will turn on.  Last spring I fished here for the first time in the middle of March and caught tons of Dink Rocks, and has luck later on in the year with tons of spot and WP..  This spot has some fish I can feel it!

New Toy Alert!!!!

I got these at a fishing show over the winter on sale for .99.  When I took them out the first thing I thought was these were built with heavier leader material and seemed to be a GREAt option for bait in the summer.. time will tell

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A little birdie told me.....

I just got word that the BW's are starting to arrive at the local tackle shops.  Which means I will need to leave work early tomorrow and try to get (1) dozen of them for my weekend expedition.... 

Monday, February 21, 2011

First time out, no fish, windy as hell, cold, but still good to be out.

Today I arrived at SPSP at around 8am, only to have the entire park to myself.  I planned to go to another location but wanted to check out the pier this park was building for the fishing season.
Once I parked the car I couldn't wait to try some of my new toys I got over the off season.  First was my new Beach Cart!  My inlaws gave me a $50 gift card for Christmas, so with that and Bass Pro's sale I could resist the cart even though I wanted the larger model.
The Cart works great and after 5 minutes with it in use I wondered why I waited so long in the first place.  I do however want to do some modifcations.  I will add at least 3 rod holders, and maybe some reflective tape.

First place I went to was my favorite spot.  Us regulars call it the "Point"; we call it the point for two reasons one because it sticks out some but more so do to the water that meets at about 100 yards out.  This area will be very productive this time next month.

Well after spending some time at the "Point" and not even a bite I decided to move to another spot I was considering spending some time this up coming season.  You can't tell from the pictures but this part of the park is very interesting to me.  It's actually a small piece of beach that has jetty's on both sides of it.  In theory I think at night when the tide's coming in I imagine I will (should ) get a lot of activity by those two structures..  Time will tell!

Well the trip wasn't a good one as far as fish were concerned but it was good that I got a chance to try my pier cart and these new UK Style sinkers I tried today.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Not a Home Run, but a good start all the same.

Today I got up at 6:30am with the intention of pouring some LEAD, and after about an hour of stumbling around I finally got several good pours.  The mold I'm using today is a Storm Sinker mold that makes 2,3,4oz sinkers.  The lead supply consist of old bank sinkers and 5lb of lead which i believe came out of a bathroom.  Anyway I made about a dozen of the 3,4oz and 8 of the 2oz.  With the rest of the lead I pour it in muffin tins...  Good Start!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Strike one!!!!!

Finally I got around to trying out my new lead melting pot.  I have about 40lbs of lead and another 10lbs in old bank sinkers.  Well let's just say it didn't go as well as I had planned.  It's one of those extremely windy days and it seemed to be some what counterproductive with the wind blowing the lead cool before it could melt.  I should have known better (Common Sense Not so Common) but, the wind should die down by 5pm so I'll get back out there at around 6pm to try again... 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ready Set GO!

Ok this is my first post..  Let's see.    hmmmm....

Today is 2-18-2011, and in two days I will go on my first fishing trip of the year.  To early for Rockfish but after spending all winter having thoughts of fishing it's time to get out there.  The target fish will be White Perch!  Not really a sport fish, but the act of fishing is all that's important, and I also have some new tackle to try out.  Holla