Sunday, February 27, 2011

Time for a Quickie..... Left teased and wanting more..

Today I had only 4 or so hours to get out and fish so I decided to get the laundry done early and get out on the water.  Since time was an issue I decided to stay close to home and hit up a park about 15 minutes from my house.  I got there around 10am, and was the only one in the parking area, so I quickly got my cart out the truck and headed for the .5 mile hike to the location.


The spot in the picture above is about two hundred yards from the beach, and has a NICE drop off about 75-100 yards out.

Left Side View!

Right Side View!

I set up at the point and fished for about 4 hours.  Nothing much, but one quick moment when I thought I might have a fish on...

Long story short the fish weren't bitting (water seems to cold.) , but it feels any time now the lights will turn on.  Last spring I fished here for the first time in the middle of March and caught tons of Dink Rocks, and has luck later on in the year with tons of spot and WP..  This spot has some fish I can feel it!

New Toy Alert!!!!

I got these at a fishing show over the winter on sale for .99.  When I took them out the first thing I thought was these were built with heavier leader material and seemed to be a GREAt option for bait in the summer.. time will tell

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