Sunday, February 20, 2011

Not a Home Run, but a good start all the same.

Today I got up at 6:30am with the intention of pouring some LEAD, and after about an hour of stumbling around I finally got several good pours.  The mold I'm using today is a Storm Sinker mold that makes 2,3,4oz sinkers.  The lead supply consist of old bank sinkers and 5lb of lead which i believe came out of a bathroom.  Anyway I made about a dozen of the 3,4oz and 8 of the 2oz.  With the rest of the lead I pour it in muffin tins...  Good Start!


  1. What is the advantage of using these over pyramids?

  2. These are called Storm Sinkers, and they seem to hold better and some believe them make less of a splash when the hit the water..
